Funniest Reviews from while True: learn() Players

Oleg Chumakov
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2019


We’ve received hundreds of user reviews on Steam once our game went out of Early Access. Some of them turned out to be… peculiar.

“Hello author, can I buy a cat that can help me debug?
Urgent, online!”
“Dmitriy Vladimirovich, I know you’re reading this, what is the due date for turning in that class paper on informatics?”
“#define true 0
Don’t learn”
“Didn’t get a **** of it, but it’s very interesting”
“Game developers promised they would pet a cat if a post a review on this game.”
…and that we did!
“Don’t enter a university just yet, start with buying this game.”
“I like the puzzles, but there’s a problem with Quest #29 — they ask me to build a system that would outperform KGB technologies, but as a communist I can’t do that. What do I do now???”
“Arguably the best cat owner’s sim out there.”
So now everyone is able to feature the dog (see the picture at the beginning of the story).

Thank you all for sharing your opinions with us! For an indie developer, every feedback matters, good or bad! You’re helping us learn and you motivate us to move forward. We love you!

